Friday, September 17, 2004

If you buy this for Personal Use...YOU are a Pig

From the AP:

DALLAS - This one could make the Hummer look like a girlie car. International Truck and Engine Corp. is producing what it calls the world's biggest production pickup, a 14,500-pound monster capable of towing 20 tons.

For example, here comes a piglet now...

"It's a super head-turner," said Ken Wallace, an International dealer in Fort Myers, Fla., who has been driving one for about two weeks. "Other motorists hang out of their cars to take pictures of it."

But does anybody really need a vehicle that is nine feet tall, eight feet wide, 21 1/2 feet long and gets about seven miles on a gallon of diesel?

Rob Swim, International's marketing director, said the 5-passenger CXT will appeal to image-conscious contractors, roofers, landscapers and other small-business owners who can use the towing power but also want to draw attention to themselves.

"This truck is for businesses that want to make a bold statement,"

Yes, the bold statement of, I'm a Republican...or let me be the first up against the wall.


1 comment:

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