Friday, September 03, 2004

Misunderestimated Deceitfulness

I remember thinking last night that the letter Chimpy was reading, from a soldier in Iraq was astroturf. Then saw it mentioned on Kos, I believe (I'm lazy you'll just have to believe me) but then, anxious to come up with "pithy" little captions, I plum forgot. But Digby has brought back the memory.

In their slavish desire not to be contentious with Republicans by reporting FACTS, the SCLM did not, to my notice, mention the fact that Joe Roach is a member of the SCAIFE clique, a big-time Neo-Con, and wrote this in early April 2004, when the shit was merely hitting the fan -- not now when it is pretty much an occasional fan hitting shit.

What an a-hole.

Meanwhile, Altercation, has an email that is disturbing.

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