Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Pooty and Chimpy

Watching some of what passes for news this evening is slowly driving me mad. Chimpy does not have a "close" relationship with Putin!

Putin is using Duh-bya for his own political advantage, but duh-bya with all of his "sentiment", doesn't understand that Putin very likely takes him for a fool. Putin said that W. was "sentimental" and in the context of Russian culture, this means that he lacks intellect. Or in other words, a box rocks looks and acts smarter.

To Putin, it is not about "liking" someone; it is about gaining power. To Duh-bya, it seems like he is interested in making friends with Russia, he wants to play nice so long as the other world leaders plays by his rules. I would say that if I were Putin, I might be a little shook up, as well, given that the US is currently occupying a country due South of Russia and generally considered in its sphere of influence.

But Putin and Bush may be many things (and mostly bad come to think of it) but they are not friends and Bush has never had a relationship with Putin where he can force Putin's hand. Why does Bush think he can do so now?

More importantly, why does the media think that?

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