Friday, March 02, 2007

In the Pantload Spirit

I'd like to pretend I just got an email from a longtime reader who is an officer serving in Iraqighanistan:

Dear Attaturk,

I'd like to take the time from fighting the war over here, so you don't have to fight it over there, to point something out you may have missed in your busy, non-serving time.

Yesterday, while cleaning up at Bagram Air Base from the Cheney visit, I read your post about George Bush's visit to Mississippi and how he met no African-Americans there. You didn't note one key fact, yesterday was March 1, 2007. Black History Month was over. Bush, therefore, had no reason to have meaningless photo ops with Black people. Besides there are so few African-Americans in Mississippi.

Keep up the good work of saving America you handsome, handsome man.

Wow, thanks so much for that conveniently timed, and completely fictional letter, that brings up a point that I completely missed, yet conveniently covers my ass with glory.

Just like a good Pantload letter.

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