Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Kate O'Beirne---Idiot

On Tweety, Kate O'Beirne says the Chimp ought to pardon Libby because "reasonable minds can differ" as to whether Libby was guilty. Two thoughts.

First, eleven minds decided that reasonable minds could not differ, at least to the extent that they believed the government proved its case beyond a reasonable doubt, which is a standard deviation higher from a proof perspective than reasonable minds can differ.

Second, if Bush pardons on that ground, what about all the souls whose unceremonious death was brought about in part because he failed to intervene? This after trials and convictions on much lesser and less-reliable evidence, not to mention incompetent counsel.

While I believe Bush will grant a pardon, it is because he has no sense of irony, the simple moron that he is. I can't wait for this debate and people to look into it with more time and/or lexis-nexis. Meantime, maybe I'll just do a little sniffing around.

Assholes I tell ya!

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