Thursday, January 08, 2009

Going through the Motions

(Norm, with his wife, a rarely seen,
female, Ann Coulter impersonator)

While Dick Cheney is forced to drive the Lark Jesse Helm's bequeathed him to the House and preside over the tally of the electoral college, in Minnesota the anti-climatic drama plays out in a manner befitting Norm Coleman.

Doing the least possible to accomplish as little as possible in as annoying a way as possible being the only possible possibility.

The petition has an almost generic quality. Think of every imaginable way that a vote for Coleman that should have been counted was rejected, add every way that a ballot given to Franken should have been disqualified, assert that all of these things happened and that if the courts will simply revisit the entire recount they will come to a different outcome.

These type of filings are known as (1) losers and (2) cut and paste jobs. I just hope Coleman's lawyers were able to have their legal assistants review it to make sure they replaced the old client's names with Coleman's name. Of course, a truly "elite" and properly billing firm will never put actual names in any such pleading, but rather the word "Plaintiff" and/or "Petitioner".

THAT'S how you bill in the most efficient yet profitable way possible.

(photo from chuckumentary)

[cross-posted at Firedoglake]

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