Thursday, June 04, 2009

Atta J. Turk predicts

The parts of the President's Cairo speech that right-wing mor(a)ns will latch on to is Obama mentioning Mohammed (and Jesus and Moses) and then saying 'peace be upon them' (which is simply respectful) and, of course, the part about women wearing the “hajib” as a religious freedom issue.

This will cause much wankery & drudgeosity (redundant I know) -- after all, American conservatives claim to believe women should be barefoot/pregnant and rather sexless, but not too sexless for goodness sake. Then they get online to order their Bukkake porn.

After all, women as “objects” is what “Western Freedom” is all about! /sarcasm.



I suppose they'll freak about the word "Holy" preceding the word "Koran" just like he applied it with the "Bible".

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