Wednesday, June 10, 2009

OK, that's it!

Any objective observer understands that the National Socialism was misrepresented for political reasons to allow the Nazis to take over the German government.  And while I can look the other way at historical lunacy and outright lying in an effort to distract the American public  since you have been doing that for years, you have reached a new low.  Even for you.

I will not look the other way when you claim that white racial extremism is a problem of the left! 

Mr. Beck and Mr. Binswanger you have no credible evidence of this and are misrepresenting a movement that you simply know absolutely nothing about!   As someone who has spent the last 16 years studying this movement, your characterization of these movements as left wing efforts show not only how little you understand but more importantly the danger of your continued presence on American airways.

The ideology and belief system of the extremist racist organizations and individuals is most consistent with the ideas associated with your politics.  Not ours.  Your efforts.  Not ours.  Your insipid comments do not constitute any public service whatsoever.  It is my most fervent hope that you pick up a book or two and learn about these movements before it is too late.

Can we agree that James Von Brunn is clearly a cold-blooded anti-Semite murderer and white supremacist who saw his victims as object rather than people?  He is nothing less than a right-wing domestic terrorist.  His assault on human beings in the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. today is one more incident in a rising tide of deadly attacks across the United States by those who consume right-wing propaganda and hate people of color, Jews, immigrants and those people and communities that they define as "inhuman others."  Several watchdog groups have been commenting on this trend.  Do you think that you characterization of progressives, liberals, and leftists as evil in any way contributes to this objectification?  Because, it does.

For several years Von Brunn has established deep roots in the nation’s right-wing white supremacist movement.  As the Center for New Community has reported:

His relationship to Willis Carto, the vile anti-Semite founder of the Liberty Lobby and The Spotlight newspaper is long-standing, as revealed in his rambling 2004 diatribe against Jews, the Federal Reserve, and African Americans (“Federal Reserve Caper and Precedents”).

He is not as some commentators on Fox (such as yourselves) are attempting to describe him as simply an old man, mentally unstable, or suicidal or a leftist.  Let me make this easy for you: He is not a leftist.  Right-wingers are not left-wingers.  He is in no way connected to liberal activists.  He is a hardcore right-wing racist and anti-Semite who believed that he had "the right" to kill.  Report the truth.

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