Friday, June 05, 2009

Open Letter to Democrats

Dear Democratic leadership,

Lately I have read about all the initiatives to incorporate Republicans into efforts to move social and political agendas. Whether you are a Senator, a member of the House, part of the executive branch, or elsewhere within the machinations of government, I have a simple request for you.  It is a request that I hope that you take to heart and follow to the best of your ability.

It is:  Stop giving in!  Cease capitulation with the nutwing lobby, forgo efforts to bring the GOP into your efforts to respond to the vast challenges you have inherited from the previous administration.  And there are many, many problems.

Did the GOP ever work collaboratively with you?  Really?  Look at them!  They have been and always will be involved in perpetual ideological attack upon anyone they disagree with.  Anyone who does not worship at the feet of the might Newt and the blowhard Limbo is seen as not only unworthy but useless.  If you do not worship at the alter of the Reagan, they don't care about your innovations and policy improvements. 

Look their spokesperson is Dick Cheney, for goodness sakes!

Do not concern yourself with these screaming ninnies.  Let them hold their tea parties.  What you can do instead is concern yourself with the well being of the citizens.  That is something worth focusing attention upon.  Work on the issues that you can shape and forget meaningless efforts to reach out to the nutwing.

They are only going to criticize you for it in the end anyway.


Dirk D. DeDurkheim

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