Sunday, July 11, 2010

Big Day for America

Today's the last day of the Vuvuzelas, so that annoying sound can end.

Just in time for you to start watching the ever quiet NASCAR.

I'm picking Spain, because God forbid I go against what a cephalopod tells me.


Anonymous said...

the squid picked spain.


StonyPillow said...

CNN is backing off their claim that Paul the octopus is psychic.

Of course, if you tested 200 animals at a zoo and asked them to pick seven winners in a row, there's almost an 80% chance that at least one would pick all seven correctly.

CNN -- The Most Trusted Name in News.

Mr. Hedley Bowes said...

"God forbid I go against what a cephalopod tells me."

Our new aquatic overlord.

Anonymous said...

i think they finally put in the vuvu filter for the final telecast (took 'em long enough - elementary filter engineering.)

or else my ears are burnt out those frequencies...

My new career goal: concert vuvuzelaist with the boston pops.