Sunday, August 28, 2011

Please show some backbone

Funny, but more Americans while unhappy with everybody, are particularly unhappy that nobody is taking the Republican Congress (as popular as a nasty chancre) to task. Including Obama.

Stand up to them, is the new mantra.

We'll see, though I have my doubts, whether Obama has the demeanor to do so.


StonyPillow said...

No way to impeach the House of Representatives, no matter how deserving. If the President had done such a criminally negligent job of fulfilling his duties, he would have been outta here a long time ago.

The Founders set it up so that, if the people were maliciously stupid and/or gullible enough to elect an anti-American monstrosity like the 112th Congress, they deserved to endure the results.

Consequences? You're soaking in them.

omen said...

silence is assent. obama like a stalemate. it helps prevent any measures from passing that dares to hold his corporate patrons/golfing buddies accountable.

that's why he hasn't said a peep, until very recently, about republican obstructionism. when he does, he blames "congress" for inaction, which completely waters down the charge. it isn't congress to blame, it's republicans.

how hard is it to explain how republicans have abused the filibuster process? or to call for reforms that requires a standing filibuster as opposed to a paper one.

it's ridiculous. my four month old chihuahua has more fight in her than he-who-must-not-be-criticized.

did you know you're an immature, narcissistic anarchist if you have the temerity to question the president? whatever happened to just wanting a pony?

Anonymous said...

In Obama's cases, why would a Republican oppose Republicans.

pansypoo said...

poppycock. obama is just a clintonish moderate. when we need a harry truman. the people really wanted CHANGE. so CHANGE something.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I think Obama is getting just what he wants, which is what the folks on Wall Street tell Timmy Geithner they want.

It's not going to change unless by some miracle all the people who vote for Democrats in elections convinced him and his advisers that they won't let him get away with it anymore.

pansypoo said...

401ks mean wall street must becoddled.