Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Nice imaging

Penn State has hired as the person (oh, hell it's a man of course) to look into the Sandusky child-rape allegations the same guy who as CEO of Merck managed to obfuscate his company's responsibility for Vioxx.
Late last week, the university’s trustees announced they would conduct their own “full and complete” investigation into the matter. The probe will be headed, though, by a man with a track record of protecting powerful institutions from the consequences of their inaction: the chairman and CEO of the Merck pharmaceutical company, Kenneth C. Frazier. A Penn State alum and Harvard-trained lawyer, Frazier is best known for his phenomenal success in defending a sordid chapter in Merck’s recent past—its years-long silence about the safety problems of the popular painkiller Vioxx.
Time to make sure we know all those young boys were just being given innocent jockular attention with Jerry Sandusky's clown-penis as far as Penn State observers knew.


Montag said...

Kinda like Little Boots hiring Henry Kissinger to look into 9/11, eh?

Anonymous said...

They should have picked Patrick Fitzgerald.

Ebon Krieg said...

And the seasons they go round and round, and the painted ponies go up and down...

sukabi said...

dipping my toe into the coverup conspiracy waters with a thought.... what if this guy's one of Sandusky's customers? He'd be taking the case out of purely personal interest... and would go to the mat to make it go away....

pansypoo said...

the quicker the better.