Friday, September 03, 2004

I'll Let Professor DeLong sum it up

Since Bush's "ownership" flunkies will be spewing their mantra today, let us remember that 144,000 new jobs is not even enough to keep up with population growth and well below, HALF actually, the number of jobs promised when Bush mortgaged the future to pass crippling tax cuts.

But Attaturk is not an economist, so I'll leave it to a well-known bloggin' economist not named Duncan Black, Brad DeLong:

Employment News: Not Good

144,000 increase in payroll employment in August, just enough to keep us from losing ground relative to the growing labor force. A nonfarm employment level of 131.47 million--but according to the forecast the Bushies released last February, it was projected to be 133.18 million by now.

I, at least, would very much like to know how George W. Bush answers the following question: "What has gone wrong with the economy to leave us with an employment level 1.7 million below what you projected last February that it would be by now?"

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