Thursday, September 02, 2004

It Makes No Sense...Until You Remember His Gene Pool

The Number One Needy Nattering Nabob of the Negative Ninnyhammers at the intersection of Intellectually Bankrupt Street and Frontal Lobotomy Avenue puts up this brilliant piece of drivel:

It was a nice, decent, solid, at times stolid, and occassionally funny speech. Once again I what struck me the most about Cheney is how strange it is that people can hate him. Dislike? Sure, I guess. But hate the guy? I think he's the most appealing guy in the administration, by far.


Lucianne's little spud added:

I think the Miller speech was fantastic, as I said. But I do think that if it had been delivered by a Republican it would be seen as a major liability for Bush -- largely because the press would but that spin. I think the Bush campaign believes that the counter-spin that Miller's a Democrat will defuse that sort of thing; "the Republicans weren't mean. Zell Miller's a Democrat."

I think the gamble will pay off. But expect a blizzard of spin from those who want to Buchananify the speech.

I suppose it might look that way...on Talos V, Jonah, but we are currently on planet earth, your Star Trek action figures notwithstanding.

And then finally, another wacky street-denizen, who apparently never heard the constant and solo refrain of "Democratic Hate-Fest" uttered 24/7 accross the cable news firmament adds:

Why is it the standard Democratic response to strong criticism is to accuse critics of "hate." Senator Edwards said of tonights speeches, "There was a lot of hate coming from that podium tonight." I didn't hear the speeches tonight, but I read the transcripts, and where is the hate? Disagreement? Yep. Strong criticisms? Absolutely. Stern language? Sure. But "hate"? You've got to be kidding.

Two-Dollar Hos, a specialty at The Corner.

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