Sunday, March 04, 2007

Let me guess

A vivid, bloody, completely fabricated account of the Battle of Thermopylae - fictional in everyway but the actual name of the battle itself -- will be thoroughly enjoyed with masturbatory excess by Victor Davis Hanson.

As a visceral spectacle, I have no doubt that Frank Miller will probably deliver the goods -- in cartoon form.

The fact that the movie will be more unrealistic about actual history than a Bush photo-op would be discouraging to most legitimate historians, just as a movie portraying the First World War as a funtastical gore-fest with an awesome musical score would depress a scholar of that era.

But not to war-whore Hanson, who will find a way to turn the Spartans into Bush's War Team, and King Leonidas into the very personification of the Stuffed Flightsuit and proclaim that Xeres looks like John Murtha.

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