Thursday, March 08, 2007

Oh, there's a surprise

Is there anything non-douchebag related about Joe Lieberman?

Joe Lieberman was beaming. "Sam Fox represents what America is all about," he said, "and that's why he will be, when confirmed, an extraordinary ambassador."

The scene was last week's Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Connecticut's junior senator was making a highly unusual appearance to lobby for Fox's nomination to be the U.S. ambassador to Belgium.

Fox has come under fire from Democrats because of his role in helping to bankroll the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth in 2004 - the group that many Democrats still hold responsible for John Kerry's narrow loss to President Bush that year.

The day after the 2006 election, Lieberman, elected as an independent, got a $10,500 contribution from Fox and another $10,500 from Fox's wife. Both are generous GOP donors.

This brings up images of Joe Lieberman back-washing and that makes me very, very sad.

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