Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Another winner in a pantheon of morons

It's bad enough that conservatives have brought in a known dirty tricks practitioner to work behind the scenes to stop Sotomayor. But it's amazing how they do not seem to have any idea of optics anymore...other than the ability to think the D.C. press corps will ignore such matters.

Ah, but that darn internet, the village just isn't what it used to be. Meet the slimy operative in question, Manuel Miranda and his reserve of offensive statements:

Hispanics think just like everyone else. We’re not like African-Americans. We think just like everybody else.

Could you dig a bit deeper? I think Beijing is another shovel-load away.

But again, he could always fall back on the Village to support his argument, they'll accept any bit of stupidity if it comes from well-known liars with an (R) after their name:

Obama is ... finishing [a] novel, that puts him on less than a 10 book-a-year pace, far less than the close to 100 books President Bush was reportedly able to finish in the same amount of time.

Yeah, this claim came from Karl Rove who asserted that Bush read 95 books in 2006, cover-to-cover.

This is known in common parlance as a laughable absurdity, a lie reduced to consider the subject, the assertion, who asserts it -- lie, lie, liar. But to the Village, it's a well-known fact. So there you go Manuel, some "evidence" (can I put quote marks around quote marks?) to support your offensive and stupid contention.

[cross-posted at Firedoglake]

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