Wednesday, February 10, 2010

And Lionel Ritchie also had an 'awesome dream'...

(And 47 years later, this becomes known as the Lincoln Double-Palm Face)

On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King delivered what is arguably the greatest address in American History, the "I have a Dream Speech". Forty-Seven years later, Will Bunch notes, Glenn Beck aspires to deliver his Nightmare:

He's working on something called "The Plan" (which seems to involve a book, although I'm sure he's donating the profits back to "the cause) that will be unveiled at what he hopes will be a massive rally on Aug. 28 at the Lincoln Memorial, on the 47th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King delivering his "I Have a Dream" speech at or about the same sport. But to work up to what he says will be a 100-year plan, Beck is starting out with a series of what he initially called "educational seminars" and he's now calling "American Revival."

It's as offensive as it is stupid -- so it will undoubtedly be given as much coverage as possible.

The Plan, is so much more than sounding like the plot of Battlestar Galatica. As you know by now, "the Plan" is entirely based on a re-writing of American history by a composite of John Birchers and pseudo-historians who, among other things, think slavery was rather awesome.

All commemorated on the same sacred Lincoln Memorial spot that gave us the vision of Marian Anderson and Dr. King.

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