David Broder, a man with his finger on the pulse of the American people and all around soothsayer:
July 10, 1974 (paraphrase):
What if the House didn't impeach Nixon? That would be pretty AWESOME! Talk about political comebacks, Nixon's the one!
Nixon resigned in disgrace 30 days later.
February 16, 2007:
President Bush is poised for a political comeback
And today regarding Sarah Palin:
Those who want to stop her will need more ammunition than deriding her habit of writing on her hand. The lady is good.
Meanwhile, same paper, same day:
Although Palin is a tea party favorite, her potential as a presidential hopeful takes a severe hit in the survey. Fifty-five percent of Americans have unfavorable views of her, while the percentage holding favorable views has dipped to 37, a new low in Post-ABC polling.
There is a growing sense that the former Alaska governor is not qualified to serve as president, with more than seven in 10 Americans now saying she is unqualified, up from 60 percent in a November survey.
As much as I enjoy deriding Broder and having a rich vein of material to work with, even I'm embarrassed for him.
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