Saturday, April 02, 2011

Bernie Sanders, Why Did You Ever Leave Brooklyn?

Watch Bernie stick it to some random wingnut.

And President Kennedy's nephew isn't too shabby, either.


Raoul Paste said...

A calm, reasoned, irrefutable argument destroys these Republican stooges.

If only Americans heard more of this and less of the idiot liars on right-wing radio.

"We can't make decisions based on anecdotes"....God, Bernie is good.

Michael said...

I currently live in New Hampshire, a source of extreme embarrassment to me right now. Mr. Sanders has long impressed me as someone who really CARES about the individual and the middle class. I would be proud to have him here and I consider him to be a draw to the wonderful state of Vermont. He summed it up quite well when he said "America provides the best health care in the world...if you are RICH!". This phrase should be used to drive the point home to Americans that there IS a class divide, there IS class warfare going on and the elite rich in this country consider America to be THEIR domain and that WE are just here to further their agenda.
I'll take one B. Sanders over TEN N. Gingrich's any day! The fight ahead, as it has always been, is about clarity. If WE get the logic out there for all to see, WE will
win the war. We need more like Bernie, many more.

MarkC said...

Now, that's a pasting.

Wish this went viral -- I love it when somebody actually anticipates the Republican talking points -- they are pretty easy to demolish if you aren't blindsided by them.

MD said...

Bill: "Ohhh Berniee TThats soooooo socialist" ... Damn, I just luvs condi- sention

MD said...

Can we have 99 more of that ? ....... Please

Anonymous said...

Watched a segment of the full show on YouTube and between Bernie and Bill (surprise) they left no Republican lie unpunished. It was good to see.

pansypoo said...

it's so nice dye job republikkklan has the money for good health care. he ignore the sad fact most people are not well off republikkklans.

pansypoo said...

but i am not on board with the war on retard. the mentally insufficient don't want to use the word, fine, it's ours. maybe they should go back to cretin.

Anonymous said...

rw radio, faux gnews, all the kochfunded "institutes" has put so many dems on defensive that they have no understanding of how effective a bold attack on these nonsensical "positions" can be. Sanders understands. Why they can't follow his example is perplexing