From Gawker:

is Rep. Stella Tremblay. She is a Republican elected to New Hampshire's
House of Representatives and she believes the government planned the
bombing at the Boston Marathon last week that killed three people and
injured more than 150 others.
Tremblay posted on Glenn Beck's Facebook
wall last week, saying that the search for the suspects was going
exactly as he'd suggested it would. She then goes on to suggest that the
U.S. government planned to whole thing, but for what reason she does
not specify. The message was posted Friday morning, before Dzhokhar
Tsarnaev was arrested, for some context.
I condemn the New Hampshire Democratic Party for requesting the state's Republican Party condemn Tremblay's accusations.
Listen. Run against the extremists. Call them all extremists. Every New Hampshire Republican is Tremblay. And publicly thank her for showing the world what it is to be a New Hampshire Republican.
This has worked for Republicans for two generations.
Does, "Tremblay posted on Glenn Beck's Facebook wall last week..." tell you anything?
From all the idiotic comments made over the past few years by various republican elected officials one can only conlcude that a low IQ is not only no longer an impediment to getting elected but increasingly appears to be a requirement.
I don't think that we can know the TRUTH until the next James O'Keefe video tells us the TRUTH.
I agree that it was an inside job, Ms. Tremblay.
However, I think the real culprit was 'Shotgun Dick' Cheney.
Get her to Washington stat!
Birchers like this dope used to bark at the moon anonymously. Now they hold public office.
NOW can we open that FEMA camp?
NOW can we open that FEMA camp?
"... posted on Glenn Beck's Facebook wall last week...."
Yet one more reason to dislike Mark Zuckerberg.
jesus, what a tool for flaccid thoughts.
i'm surprised she's smart enough to get up in the morning and put on her underoos.
they voted this into office? on purpose? can we say recall?
Amen, Montag. Facebook is an abomination, producing much more heartache, discord and invasion of privacy than any benefits it provides.
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