Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Thanks, Mr. Overrated

I could not think of a better event for the Democrats than for the Bugman to stick around for awhile. The incredibly non-descript, non-genius, Karl Rove has taken steps to try to see that happen and to tie DeLay tightly to the ever more unpopular and flat Bush bosom.
The White House stands "strongly" behind Tom DeLay amid ethical questions over the House majority leader's fund- raising and overseas trips, deputy chief of staff Karl Rove said Monday.

Rove, the strategist who ran President Bush's two presidential campaigns, said DeLay, a Texas Republican, has been the target of partisan attacks by "desperate" Democrats.

"Tom DeLay is going to continue to be a strong and effective majority leader for the Republicans in the House," he said on CNN's "Inside Politics."

Like DeLay, Rove only knows one mode of politics and that is to blame the opposition for everything, even when it is ridiculous. He could not have played this one better for Democrats. Tie that prick a little closer Karl.

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