Thursday, January 05, 2006

The Chimperor Disgustus

27 B.C. or 2006?

The titles conferred on him were such to concentrate attention on his dignity, not his power; on the reverence he commanded from a 'grateful world'. The Republic was finally dissolved, The imperator was proclaimed pater patriae, father of his country, princeps, first citizen, George Disgustus, - almost, but not as yet, divine.

Henceforth he was known no longer as the Chimp, but as the Chimperor.

Look who Bush has made a recess appointment for...

Oh, give me a ^*&%$# break and a half! This nomination is a monumental political and policy blunder in the wake of the Michael Brown/FEMA fiasco. And I can tell you that contrary to the Miss Mary Sunshine White House spokeswoman's comments, rank-and-file DHS employees and immigration enforcement officials are absolutely livid about Myers' nomination.

Those are not the words of some reality-based blogospherian, but those of Li'l Miss Internee Michelle Malkin.

Bush made numerous such appointments yesterday, many without even having so much as a hearing before Congress.

But since he can ignore all manner of Laws the Chimperor is unconstrained by the laws of man.

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