Thursday, January 05, 2006

This is important

Over at Digby's place, Glenn Greenwald makes a VERY important post in my opinion. This is just the first paragraph, but go there and read the rest.

Listening to the Bush Administration and its defenders try to justify George Bush’s deliberate and ongoing violations of the law, one can’t help but notice that the Constitution and Congressional statutes sure do seem quite "flexible" in the hands of those seeking to defend him -- a particular irony given how stridently Bush followers rail against such legal theories in other contexts. The defenses being dredged up to justify Bush’s law-breaking certainly are notable for the liberties they take with "conservative" principles of legal argument, as well as with how sharply they contradict the legal views which the Administration itself previously claimed it believed in.

All theory apparently must bow down before Bush.

Yoo Momma!

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