Thursday, February 21, 2008


A few weeks ago, Obama when asked about his lack of administrative experience pointed to how he has set up his campaign.

I don't know if that's the greatest argument in the world but I'm not sure any of the three remaining candidates have that much administrative experience other than via osmosis. Also, though the story got way overplayed and didn't hurt him much, Axelrod as his chosen campaign manager didn't exactly do a bang up job on not repeating himself in writing speeches -- though he's been fantastic on other matters.

Nevertheless, if how campaigns are run is at all reflective of how you Administrate, then Obama is one hell of an Administrator if you look at January.

Obama: Raised $36.1 million, spent $30.5 million.
Clinton: Raised $13.9 million, spent $28.5 million

In other words, Obama operated in January on a surplus budget, raising $5.6 million more than he spent, while Clinton operated in January on a deficit budget, spending $14.6 million more than she raised.

The Clinton figure does not include the $5 million dollar loan she made to her campaign, for which she reportedly charged interest and, contrary to some press reports earlier this month, has not been paid back.

And, of course, McCain though the media originally reported it as a slam on Obama, is actually the one wanking on public financing, he appears to have completely fucked up in how he managed his finances and may be royally fucked financially for some time to come.

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