Friday, October 28, 2011

The Grand Wizardly Theory of Blackness

So Birthers move like mercury (the fastest these predominantly lark-riding roll-supials can move) from he wasn't born in the United States too fake articles and spam-mails saying "he couldn't possibly have merited getting into Harvard ... or Columbia".

i.e. He's black, ergo that must be the ONLY reason Barack Obama could get an Ivy League education.

Yeah, that's some fine logic as always.


DrDick said...

This, of course, is further proof that there is absolutely no racism on the right and Obama's race has absolutely nothing to do with their opposition to him.

pansypoo said...

savor their unease at being lesser humans than a black man.

merlallen said...

But the same standard isn't applied to clarence thomas for some reason

Anonymous said...

Bush got into Yale. Do you think being White and Rich have anything to do with it?