Monday, October 31, 2011

The Next Tact Herman Cain should take

Regarding sexual harassment allegations are those consistent with his campaign...y'know dog-whistles for the Rapture Bridage.

1. "Yeah, I did it, but they were liberals and we all know all they want is sex, abortions, and free crazy bread! They were out to get pregnant with my essence only to kill it."

2. "It is a Muslim terrorist plot."

3.  "They mistook me for Obama as we all look-alike"

4.  "It was the Clenis!"


jimmiraybob said...

Looks like he's ready to handle the 3AM phone call.....from Ginny.

pansypoo said...

butbutbut it was 'legal' when he did it. right?

Anonymous said...

Should be tack instead of tact.