Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Bloggers giving each other Handjobs

AKA, the post where Attaturk picks a fight with better known, probably smarter, blogboys.

One of the more tiresome things on the internet to me, a pet peeve, if you will, is the constant tit-for-tat shout outs that the more prominent bloggers give each other.

I'm not necessarily saying that their blogs are not good, or that they are not good bloggers. But shit, many of these people are pretty much PAID to blog and not necessarily by their readers, but by some other organization. Most of us are not.

For example, the conservatives at the Intersection of Denial Street & Eat Your Boogers Avenue constantly self-reference to each others respective failures of logic.

Sully and Ernest T. Bass, ESQ constantly link to each other back and forth. Sully even, on occasion, proclaims that Crackerblogger's one sentence hyperlinks are evidence of a person who "writes so well". In the words of Randy Moss, "whatever".

But it is not just the conservatives.

This morning Repressed Cat Fancier, Kevin Drum links to far less impressive than Ezra Klein, Matthew Yglesiasiasiasiasiasisas about their views of a television show. Driveling up each others hit counts.

I guess I'm extreeeeeee cranky this morning, and here I am linking to them in order to criticize them about linking to each other, but seriously, WHO GIVES A FUCK? Stop virtually fellating each other.

Now, I post about trite shit all the time, I admit (for example how many snarky names have I used in this post alone?). I post the occasional skit, or post, that has all the substance of quality creme brule, without the taste. But seriously, could you two just stop?

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