Sunday, January 16, 2005

Everybody's Student Body President

Attaturk beat me to the punch about the moronic statements Bush made in his interview with the Washington Post. Digest: 51% of the people elected me, therefore, my policies have been ratified. My blood pressure dictates I add this to the discussion. Bush just doesn't get it, not just that he doesn't have a commission to do whatever the heck he wants on any issue. He doesn't understand the notion about whay some people don't like him.

On the election Bush said he was puzzled that he received only about 11 percent of the black vote, according to exit polls, about a 2 percentage point increase over his 2000 total.

"I did my best to reach out, and I will continue to do so as the president," Bush said. "It's important for people to know that I'm the president of everybody."

Bush doesn't understand that it takes more than just saying you are everybody's president to be everybody's president. How about the people in the mid-east?

Bush acknowledged that "some of the decisions I've made up to now have affected our standing in parts of the world," but predicted that most Muslims will eventually see America as a beacon of freedom and democracy.

Isn't what he means really we beat 'em fair and square, they'll understand we did it for their own good. Collateral damage happens. People get tortured. I'm everybody's president. A pop machine for every cafeteria and the right to vote and live the way I want you to live. Eventually they will, we all will, understand he only wants the best for us.

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