Monday, January 17, 2005

Four Fired at CBS part of a Pattern?

Funny that Fox "news" and other actually legitimate sources of information and news have focused on the "wrong done" to Bush but fail to point out that there remain questions about his service and how he managed to beat out others awaiting service in the national guard rather than going to Vietnam.

Four CBS producers who were fired over disputed memo(s) about Bush's national guard "service", are the latest in a lengthy string of journalists to learn the lesson that any misstep in doing intelligent investigations critical about the Bush family, their Saudi connections, and Bush family corporate connections can end a journalistic career. By contrast to this so-called Bush Rule of Journalism, reporters find they have much more discretion when investigating less privileged politicians, policies that the republicans disprove of or... of course, democrats.

For more on this story about how Bush family retaliation against journalists, reporters, and others has destroyed careers -- and even led to a couple of suicides --

To understand the full context of the Bush family's power and influence, read Robert Parry's "Secrecy & Privilege: Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate to Iraq."

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