Friday, January 14, 2005

Friday Miscellaneous Lifeform Blogging

Attaturk has been fighting the flu of late. Occasionally I down some Nyquil shots and hallucinate. Why yesterday afternoon I hallucinated that I was in a field of bright spring flowers, bursting out in vibrant reds, oranges, yellows, whites, and pinks. I heard the sound of laughter and I followed it as it mixed with the sound of song birds in the willow trees and running water.

And then I saw it...young nymphs flittering about naked except for their small wings, which carried them slightly off the ground and they flew around a central object. And then I saw the object, a naked Dick Cheney, sitting Buddah-like holding a small chimpanzee-baby suckling upon his zippered-up right manboob. He looked up at me and snarled while indicating, with a motion of his head, that his left breast was open for feeding and that I was expected there.

*And then I woke up*

Being sick sucks.







Right. Well, I suppose you demand more from a post on this here blog than just making you sick?


After that disturbing image, let's try to make things a little better by showing you something lovely to look upon.

Well sometimes life is unfair. It looked a little like this and it meets the criteria of this weekly post.


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