Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Tinia Crusis, the Congressional Hearing

The crisis surrounding the President's apparent medical condition, Tinia Crusis and Secretary of State designee Condeleeza Rice has been reported on this blog in the past.

Today, the issue was considered by Congress.

"It is a great honor to be recognized by the President for my past services, and I look forward to servicing him in the future."

Live Long and Prosper, except for you Boxer.

"Dr. Rice could you demonstrate for us the qualities that make you believe you are qualified for this position?"

Condi wistfully remembers the time she read to the President, "Bin Laden determined to attack inside the United States"...the same day the President told her that gnats were attacking inside his pants.

"What kind of load could possibly lose to these people?"

"After September 11th Senator, we can no longer afford a President that is made uncomfortable by even the most minor of inconveniences, or the burdens of responsibility."

Condi: You want answers?
Boxer: I think I'm entitled.
Condi: You want answers?
Boxer: I want the truth.
Col. Jessep: You can't handle them, and that's the truth!

"Believe me, when it comes to this matter, I maintain a firm grip."

Kerry suddenly realizes where that hand has been.

"Hurry back Condi, this substitute is too rough with 'em."

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