Thursday, January 13, 2005

Tripping the Light Fantastic

"Senator, if you could keep this quiet I would appreciate it. But my wife, she has this cat that she is attached to. But it misbehaves badly. Would you be able to take care of it for me?"

"Ja, und right here is what happens when the alien predators appear."

"Boy, look at that rack."

Not seen, Wylie Coyote.

Wait a minute...about that Virgin Mary thing?

American arms inspector Charles Duelfer finished up his inspection of Iraq without finding WMD stockpiles. He came back to the United States in January and promptly asked his neighbor George Jefferson to walk on his back.

Senator, can you indicate for us how big a douche you are?

Mr. Secretary, can you indicate to us how high the level of bullshit is now?

Yes, I'm this big a prick in reality, but I'm THIS big metaphorically.

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