Tuesday, January 04, 2005

The War at Home

Atrios writes tonight about the truly awful statements today by Bill Frist (phony-baloney milquetoast, gap-collared, pasted-on hairstyle, same-tie wearing, Mister Rodgers-like soft-spoken Southern-gent speech pattern) which suggest that Frist believes that his (their) goal of domination is within reach.

Can you trust this man?

Let's not underestimate the meaning of the words quoted by Atrios (not to mention the hypocrisy found in his actions in fillibustering Clinton's nominee to the 9th Circuit, Judge Paez). He means exactly what he says.

So what should be our response? FUCK YOU. Seriously, if they are going to bring on the nuclear option, let 'em. They don't have to compromise, they don't want to compromise, they don't intend to compromise. All they intend to do is enact every major anti-citizen/anti-consumer/anti-civil-rights/anti-individual liberty/anti-government/anti-New Deal reform they can. Every chance they have to favor the wealthy over the poor, the healthy over the sick, the corporation over the individual, law enforcement over civil rights, they will do so. It is nothing short of war right here at home. Let's be ready for this fight.

So for all the Senators who stop in from time-to-time to have some practice, when you see these assholes, just a little subtle one for those of whose health would improve drastically with the opportunity to do it, try this:

Now I feel better. Goodnight.

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