Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Well Now They Tell Us

An e-mail released Wednesday lets us in on a litte secret: the Chimp wants to destroy the New Deal. Well I guess we all knew that but still the e-mail discusses White House strategery behind the effort and has given us something very big.

WASHINGTON - The success of President Bush (news - web sites)'s push to remake Social Security (news - web sites) depends on convincing the public that the system is "heading for an iceberg," according to a White House strategy e-mail that makes the case for cutting benefits promised for the future.

Calling the effort "one of the most important conservative undertakings of modern times," Karl Rove deputy Peter Wehner says in the e-mail that "the Social Security battle is one we can win." Doing so would advance the idea of limited government and could transform the nation's political landscape, he said.

"We have it within our grasp to move away from dependency on government and toward giving greater power and responsibility to individuals," Wehner, director of White House Strategic Initiatives, said in the e-mail. He called the Democratic Party the "party of obstruction and opposition. It is the Party of the Past."

Man, these guys are BOLD. The Preznit's Lil' Deputee Scottie had this assessment:

White House spokesman Scott McClellan said the e-mail was sent Monday to "opinion leaders" to lay out "the challenges we face and the importance of seizing this opportunity to strengthen Social Security for our children and grandchildren and provide them with some ownership over their retirement savings."

Asked if it was improper for the government to send a partisan e-mail discussing political strategy, McClellan said he disagreed with that characterization. He said the message "is simply stating the serious nature of the Social Security crisis we face and why we are in this situation."

How do these fuckers sleep at night? Is it all a game? I'm beginning to think it really is like going to the polo grounds for these assholes. For Bush it has always been Monopoly money anyway, so why should we be surprised?

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