The idea of taking military action in the form of bombing on Iran right now -- because they've invented enough enriched uranium for a badly performing nightlight is lunacy. Even more maddening is the fact this is the very same goddamn playbook to war the Bush Administration used in Iraq - by the very same players. Other than getting them the war they wanted and holding power, it didn't work so well [but maybe that's all they care about? Hah - look at me, "maybe"?]
Ugh! Every day is like another metaphorical icepick to the brain. We haven't even bothered to come close to finishing off the wars in the last two countries we invaded, now we're going for the true trifecta, creating a giant and "true" bridge to nowhere.
This whole thing is so depressing on a macro-scale it is hard to really make jokes about it.
Bush & Cheney seem determined to try to save their political asses and fulfill some sort of messianic destiny at the same time that the even more "overtly" insane and messianic Ahmadinejad sticks his tongue out and waves his talleywacker at the Bush Administration. It all seems the politically motivated stupidity to a group of oppositely placed lunatics.
Billmon as usual has similar thoughts to mine, but also per usual the bastard writes about them much better than I can. On a personal aside, in my real life I'm so busy with various non-blogging things the lengthy "posts of anguish" are things I do not have time for (this may not necessarily be a bad thing for you, the reader).
Somebody has to come forward somewhere and stop this madness, for that is what it truly has become. Pachacutec at Firedoglake has one of the better ideas.
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