Seeing Spocko again, realizing that he's not just a hard-working, big-hearted activist, but a true warrior; hearing his thoughts during the Media Bias Panel; and talking to him about strategies for getting the Vile & Murderous William Kristol out of the "liberal" New York Times.
The Humor & Political Critique Panel, on which my dear friends watertiger and Ted Rall appeared. Much LOL-ing from the packed house. And by the way, is there is some correlation between lousy vision and a great sense of humor?
Meeting The Rude Pundit, who was, at least during the moments we spoke, not at all rude.
This moment, wherein we all cheered Echidne, a lovely woman who provides yet more proof that that "smart" and "beautiful" are not mutually exclusive categories.
Oh, and speaking of smart and beautiful ....
Getting to ask Paul Krugman a question (and a follow-up!) at the DFH Economics Panel (even if he did correct me by saying that the Bear deal is not a "bailout"). (Thanks for calling on me, Atrios!)
Matching faces with nyms for the very first time ... Sinfonian, Hecate, billy b, Zap, and euphronius, among many others.
Marveling at the awesome task of organizing the whole thing, which Molly Ivors pulled off with style and aplomb.
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