Wednesday, September 02, 2009

How it will all go down

Um, hooray?

President Obama is planning for “a new season” of more hands-on advocacy for his troubled domestic priority, an overhaul of the health care system, according to his advisers. Among the likely steps would be a nationally televised speech that close allies have urged, and a 10-year price tag for the overhaul below the $1 trillion mark.

At this point, unless he breaks a couple of beer bottles and says, "Alright, who wants some?!" I'll probably be underwhelmed...well, whelmed at best.

Here's the deal, he'll make a speech, he'll be all rational as he disappoints his base who has no real alternative, the right-wing will make up some new series of crazed bs that "nobody anticipates" the media treats it seriously and nobody wins except in the Pyrrhic sense.

Or not, as I need to end on an optimistic note for no particularly logical reason.

[Cross-posted at Firedoglake]

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