Thursday, September 03, 2009

The leveraged marketplace of ideas

BEHOLD! The Renaissance Personages of the Right.

In a typically thorough post by Glenn Greenwald (only a Joe Klein could disagree) takes on NRO Senior Editor Jay Nordlinger and others who went into histrionics over the notion of a few celebrities saying nice things about public service and its association with the President of the United States.

Well, we cannot have the current Chief Executive be part of any bromides without him being called a cult figure, or Hitler.

Greenwald gives chapter and verse over the hypocrisy of this notion. To his credit Nordlinger sort of backed down in light of the evidence. However, this statement of Nordlinger, as Glenn noted, really stood out:

Greenwald spends some time on two figures in particular: Angela Williamson and Monica Goodling, appointees at the Justice Department. I regret to say that I had never heard of either of them, or their doings. It’s not that my memory is “either very short or very selective.” It could be that I’m not always a very attentive reader of the newspapers.

Um, you are the Senior Editor of a conservative publication about POLITICS. Now, based only on observation, it is quite possible NRO hands out "Senior Editor" titles profligately but there is more media out there than FoxNews & Rush Limbaugh.

(pic from here)


Nordlinger apparently doesn't read his own magazine or blog either.

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