Monday, September 14, 2009

Oh ye of little effort to remember your post

Ambinder makes note of just how effective Bush's merde touch was in every fashion:

On every major measurement, the Census Bureau report shows that the country lost ground during Bush's two terms. While Bush was in office, the median household income declined, poverty increased, childhood poverty increased even more, and the number of Americans without health insurance spiked. By contrast, the country's condition improved on each of those measures during Bill Clinton's two terms, often substantially.

And how comes the naivete and the forecast of douchebaggery:

It's not a record many Republicans are likely to point to with pride.

Are you fucking kidding me?

They are full of pride about it right now! It's called lying until you believe the opposite of reality to be true. It's what they do.

And will you call them on it in the future Ambinder, having written this post?


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