That Breitbart is now having "Big Hollywood" do the porn reviews that "Roger T. Pipe" can't get to (I just know things, okay?). Personally, I think it is some of Lisa Ann's weakest work (again, I just know stuff).
In addition to seeing what an incredible woman Sarah Palin is, we were introduced to some amazing characters. Her daughter Piper was a constant companion of Sarah’s in the show. She is beyond adorable, says all the things a smart-as-a-whip witty little girl would say, and makes lots of funny faces. We see a lot of her husband Todd who is a hunky, smart companion to Sarah Palin.
Batteries not included.
...what an incredible woman Sarah Palin is...
Yes, incredible. As in, too extraordinary and improbable to be believed. I agree. Good review.
Too. Also.
"Piper ...is beyond adorable, says all the things a smart-as-a-whip witty little girl would say, and makes lots of funny faces."
And has been known to flip the bird in public. Why did she leave that out?
Republican. Christian. Family. Values.
of course Piper was a constant comapnion of Sarah's... who else was going to watch Tree Branch?
Thanks, once again, for teaching me something I did not know Atta... must say you've got quite a diverse education. 8-p
i'll stay out of the loop.
Trashy meth tweaking grifters. Make the Snopes clan look like the Waltons.
Hmm. Since TLC is dropping the show for lack of viewership (and probably the horridly high production costs--let's face it, $43K in travel and lodging to kill one sedated, deaf caribou probably made the auditors commit ritual seppuku), maybe Lorie Byrd should have titled that piece "Finale of Sarah Palin's Alaska Leaves Me Wanting More," because she might be the only person left who's sad to see Scary Sarah's time on the airwaves minimized.
Well, apart from O&A, that is.
Starbursts galore.
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