This came up a couple days ago, but I hadn't gotten to it. This idea of a Democratic representative is both unconstitutional and stupid.
Rep. Robert Brady, D-Pennsylvania, said he will introduce legislation making it a federal crime for a person to use language or symbols that could be perceived as threatening or inciting violence against a Member of Congress or federal official.
How many ways is this unconstitutional...well, it out and out violates the First Amendment, and could it be any more vague? Horrid.
But as usual, and dispiritedly so, for every stupid Democrat's idea there is a worse one by an order of several magnitudes coming from a Republican.
Texas Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert says his office is drafting a measure to allow members of Congress to carry guns in the District of Columbia, including in the Capitol and on the House floor.
If Louie Gohmert knew who the hell Preston Brooks was (or Herb Brooks, Foster Brooks, David Brooks or Brooks Brothers were for that matter) he'd be certain to add to his reasons why this is the dumbest idea he's ever had...which is really saying something.
(fez tip Digby)
And then there's this from "mental giant" Dan Burton -- put Congress behind a dome. I'm not kidding. Sadly, in the contest between intellectual dishonesty or rank stupidity no member of Congress out perform the depths of the Republican 4-horseman, Bachmann, Steve King, Gohmert and Burton.
They want to bully congresscritters just like they try to bully everyone else. Surprise, surprise, surprise. Friggin' unpatriotic radical thugs.
If a dome didn't work for Homer Simpson and the rest of the good folk of Springfield, it won't work for Congress.
Brady's and Burton's plans interfere with one's right to exercise one's 2nd Amendment option - TeaBirchpublican fail.
Gohmert's plan, on the other hand, is TeaBirchpublican acceptable in that it allows a full range of expression while exercising one's 2nd Amendment option.
I know that, in the interests of civility, I'm supposed to stop and think happy thoughts and say happy words* and, as the theory goes, so should the TeaBirchpublicans. But I think we know how that will work. They will continue to rationalize the use of ever escalating violent rhetoric until they get their country back.
* and presumably lay off the snark and sarcasm
cut Gomert some slack, he's being bipartisan...
the bill he really wanted to introduce was one that only allowed Republicans to pack heat... which would make it easier to "exercise" their first AND second amendment remedies...
there may be no fire tongs, but i think canes are allowed.
Sounds like an insane mashup of Swift's "A Modest Proposal" with the worst of Robert Ludlum. After all, they're mostly voting against us, anyway, and confining the mayhem to the House floor should cut down on the risk to innocent bystanders.
We can only hope that Rep. Gomert is the first to shoot himself in the foot with his own gun.
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