So Glenn Beck is willing to trust the "fine folks at Goldline" but not use "the Google"?
Because "Google" is a tool of the American Government. First of all, crazy; second, what government does he want to "control" a search engine? That's not very patriotic.
Is he getting sponsored by "Bing"? Lord knows we want to be controlled by Microsoft over any government right? Fuckin' Beck, I bet he owns a goddamn ZUNE and powers his PC with Microsoft-Bob. Or maybe he's still using a Tandy?
After he intalled Office 97, Clippy asked him if he needed his ear wax cleaned. He clicked "Yes", and the rest is history.
I'm guessing that ancient goat-herding prophets looked to clouds and signs for info and their fingers for higher math functions.
If it was good enough for them, it's probably good enough for New Moses.
naw Jimmiraybob, that's too cliche for Beck... he's so far down the rabbit hole, he's using his own feces to "read the future"...
OMG, you mentioned Bob. The brainchild of Bill Gates' wife (granted back before they were married).
I remember seeing a kiosk with a computer terminal showcasing Bob at a CompUSA way a long time ago. And laughing. Oh did I laugh. I told my then boyfriend "I use a computer at work and MS thinks I'll be impressed enough to buy this thing to use at home... what are they drinking."
beck is commodore 64 all the way.
did i say that right. my brother had an adam?.
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