Although it would make the time hiding from depth charges more entertaining considering the cargo. Das Blow
/colombian drug lords did the sensible—and trendy—thing: they spent 4,000 million pesos (approx $2.2 million) to build their own drug-trafficktacular submersible.
I seem to recall a cheaper version of a submarine being available during my childhood...and I'm sure it was completely legit.

(first pic via REUTERS/Jaime Saldarriaga, second from here)
FYGME (F*ck You Gawker Media Empire). I think the new evil layout gave you a link to their main page. Try this for direct linking goodness:
We shall fight the new layout on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.
Not exactly a first try. It happened sometime in the 70's or 80's. The druggies got a WWII vintage sub and used it to haul marijuana. They too got caught, off the coast - of California! Convinced a guy I knew at Customs that the war on drugs was a failure from the start.
Geez, I remember that ad. I really wanted one of those. Although, even as a kid, I was wondering what 7 bucks was going to get me...
My mom never did let me order that one, however.
If that had been around in the `50s, and I'd seen the ad, the whining and moaning in which I would have engaged ("no, you can't have that--not even with your own money! No!") probably would have gotten me involuntarily committed.
I wanted one of those, too. And x-ray specs. I really wanted x-ray specs.
It would have been sooo easy to make a whack of cash hauling cocaine with one of those subs...
And for an initial investment of only $6.98 !
dsmmit. why am always behind the isiot?
...consider the probability that you're just much slower of wit.
ow. that soooooooooooooooo didn't hurt. lame lame lame, the name is o/a.
OK, then.
Try this on for size....
...consider the reality that you're just much slower of wit.
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