Friday, May 06, 2011

Why Pete Hamill is The Man

Because he says stuff like this:
Q: What was your response [when you heard the news about Osama bin Laden's death]?

A. Nothing dramatic. I didn't jump for joy because after 50 years of being a newspaperman, I realize that if you think you know what it's all about at the moment, you're usually wrong. I was also hopeful that nobody would say, "This brings closure." [emphasis mine]
There are a good many people -- yours truly included -- who could learn a lot from those words.

In Tabloid City, part of the story involves an Islamic terrorist. You describe this young man who goes around like an ordinary person—yet he has what you call a "secret script" in his mind. As a country, do we really understand people like him?

I hate to generalize about 310 million human beings. Any of us who've been newspapermen for a long time hate generalizations. When I hear a politician begin to say, "The American people want...," I know the sentence is horseshit. But I hope Americans do understand the enemy. [emphasis mine, again]
And if you haven't read Pete Hamill's A Drinking Life, I hereby order you to do so now.


res ipsa loquitur said...

May sound familiar, but Pete Hamill is no way like GWB. Read A Drinking Life.

pansypoo said...

amerikans would only know if the gnews know and they don't either.