Friday, December 20, 2013

Use stay classy pig-face

Another day ending in "y":

The OC Weekly on Thursday published a report on the "horrific pigsty" that Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) left behind in a Costa Mesa, Calif. home he lived in from 2010 to 2012. And there are photographs.

According to the newspaper, Rohrabacher moved into the four-bedroom, four-bathroom, 6,300-square-foot home on April Fool's Day 2010. Rent was $3,350 a month. The carpets were new, and the backyard featured "thriving" flowers, plants, and grass. But when homeowner Robert Polyniak's longtime girlfriend, Darlene Whitsell, entered the home shortly after the Rohrabachers left the property, things looked different. 

"It was disgusting," Whitsell told the OC Weekly. "It was unbelievable. Who lives like that?"
Among the damage: the carpeting was covered in "massive black stains and muck;" appliances were damaged and rusted; the plants outside had dried up and died; there were holes in the walls; every toilet seat in the house was broken; light switches and doors had been cracked; an overflowing tub cracked a ceiling with water damage; phone lines were "strangely severed;" and more.


StonyPillow said...

G_ddamn hippies.

Anonymous said...

Do conservatives have mental health issues?

"It would be irresponsible not to speculate"...

Remember when the incoming Bush WH staff tried to claim that the previous Clinton team had trashed the place?

A bit of projection happening there, it would seem...

pansypoo said...

they trash the planet, of course they don't respect anything not theirs.

Ebon Krieg said...

I grew up in this area. I feel nothing for either of these trolls.

Anonymous said...

Meth lab.

Anonymous said...

It's the Ayn Rand ideology of renting -- whatever you can get away with.

grouchomarxist said...

Some tantalizing clues here: the broken toilet seats could indicate the presence of either Rush or Newt. Or both. Same with the black stains and muck on the carpet. Or maybe they were trying to toilet-train some pigs.

Then again, this might have been a nest of Red Lectroids.

Anonymous said...

"A second-floor suite used by Dana's wife, Rhonda, as her bedroom contained a huge, mysterious, lubricant-like stain—something you might expect on the floor of a Hollywood sex club—that had seeped through thick carpet and padding to tarnish a hardwood floor."

'Twould appear that the repubs are diggin' the buttsecks after all, just as I suspected.