Thursday, August 28, 2014

Not looking too good for the 20th or earlier Centuries

A three-judge panel of the 7th Circuit heard arguments of the conservative Attorney's General of Wisconsin and Indiana Tuesday as the latter sought to forbid same sex marriages from occurring in Madison or Indianapolis.

This is clearly not 2008 anymore.

Judge Richard Posner, who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan, was dismissive when Wisconsin Assistant Attorney General Timothy Samuelson repeatedly pointed to ‘tradition’ as the underlying justification for barring gay marriage.

“It was tradition to not allow blacks and whites to marry – a tradition that got swept away,” Posner said. Prohibition of same sex marriage, he said, is “a tradition of hate ... and savage discrimination.”
Posner frequently cut off Indiana Solicitor General Thomas Fischer, just moments into his presentation and chided him to answer his questions.

At one point, Posner ran through a list of psychological strains of unmarried same-sex couples, including having to struggle to grasp why their schoolmates’ parents were married and theirs weren’t.
“What horrible stuff,” Posner said. What benefits to society in barring gay marriage, he asked, “outweighs that kind of damage to children?”

The answer has to do with “procreation,” Fisher answered.
Yes...that's all they have left just isn't sex if a baby isn't made.

That's some powerful logic.

And Posner is THE conservative on that panel.

[cross-posted at Firedoglake]

1 comment:

pansypoo said...

well, the resistance to change has worked this long.