Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"I'm stupid and it is all Obama's fault"

That pretty much summarizes Michelle Bachmann's explanation for not knowing one of the few pieces of history the Teabaggers know by heart. In fact, arguably the last piece of history they recall accurately.

Probably from the many interviews of John McCain, who was there, and was the first person to have the moniker, "Minute Man"... though that came before the events at Lexington & Concord...from his first wife.


StonyPillow said...

I thought John McCain got his moniker from how long he was able to stay on one of his daddy's horses before he got it killed by leading it into catastrophe.

jimmiraybob said...

...her mistake was striking given her roots in the tea party movement...

Nothing striking about it. I've heard their, the Tea Bag, leadership interviewed about the founding and the Constitution. They are all pig ignorant. I take that back, put truffles on the line and the pigs would likely excel.

Their uber guru and esteemed teacher, David Barton, is a well-documented and profound liar, peddling a distorted and untrue Jesus version of the founding.

It is all a front. No more. They use their vague sense of the Constitution as license for their rage. Scratch a Tea Bagger and you find someone fighting the hippies and the 60's 7 70's and/or the uppity blacks and civil rights movement of the 50's & 60's.

(Of course the Bircher contingent is still fighting the Communists and, more quietly, the Catholics)

jimmiraybob said...

And, here's a fun take on the question of how ignorant is Michell Bachmann, by Lawrence O'Donnell - "...shockingly ignorant..."

Raoul Paste said...

And a rimshot for good measure!

Ebon Krieg said...

The people have an extremely high tolerance for lunacy and delusion.

Ebon Krieg said...

Oh, and I wonder what George Will's wife received for her "consultation?"

pansypoo said...

pied piper of stoopid. leading the ignorant.