Wednesday, November 03, 2004

E-Mail, January 5, 2005

To: Lucille McClain, LPN (

From: Karl Rove (


As you know Congress ratified the Board of Electors yesterday certifying the President for another four year term.

As the President is now in a position to take positive action in regard to the Supreme Court, please proceed to remove the feeding tube and use the "special" pillow with respect to the Chief Justice.

After doing so, please destroy said pillow and this email. Then confirm to Scooter that the task is done by calling him on his cell number and stating to him, "Gilbert & Sullivan, no longer performed". He will then make an electronic transfer per your instructions within 24 hours.

Please be advised, I am laughing diabolically as I type this.


*Note: I'm not usually in the mood of saying things like this, but I encourage Senator Kerry to keep up the fight in order to give Rehnquist a chance.


Bill, watch out!

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