Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Forget Bush, what is on the agenda for 2008?

Some of us did believe that Osama's message had an effect on the
election, and Osama got exactly the result he wanted: Bush in power, and hence an enemey that can be hated, one who is very useful in recruiting new members to his trerrorist network. All he had to do was to remind everybody that he is still around, as an enemy that can be hated, and who would be useful in recruiting Bush voters. As a result, those who thought they could protect themselves from terrorism by electing Bush unknowingly, I suppose, achieved exactly the opposite.

One could conclude that Osama knows and understands something which at least half of the American electorate does not understand. So they shall keep on dying , i.e. the terrorists, the US soldiers, and all those who find themselves, inadvertently, in the line of fire. Osama's and G.W.'s following have a lot in common: a preoccupation with 'morals' (Koran, Bible); hatred (kill the infidels, without Jesus you will go to hell, as stated by a seven years old girl); eductation (College students etc,
more likely to vote for Kerry; those without postsec. education more likely to vote for Bush); a disregard of individual human life (go blow yourself up, go die for liberty). Hatred, not rage, looms large.

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